Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Perfectly Good Snack!

Is it wrong that I like to take the "Perfectly Good Snack" that is cut celery and peanut butter and add either marshmallow or chocolate chips? Not very often mind you that would not be healthy just every once in a while. Or at least when ever we actually have the stuff in the house...Try it some time and see if ya'll think its good too! My husband thinks its kinda odd and not for him, which is not all that unusual seeing as he says I like weird things...Ya'll should have seen him when I shared my childhood snack of toast with a mix of peanut butter with syrup...Had an uncle hook my sister and I on it...Have not done it since sharing it with my husband...I also like dried squid which he thinks is absolutely disgusting....I know I know many of you might agree.. Any one have a snack many people seem to think is odd? Share them if you get the chance to! You just might find someone that is willing to try and just might find it enjoyable!

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